Yesterday, Owen (dressed as "bones" and I attended a Halloween party given by our friend Kelsey and her step-mother, Heather. Owen tried coloring a mummy and dancing during the musical tombstones game (like musical charis) but really enjoyed the selection of toys Kelsey's siblings share. On the way home we picked up a pumpkin at a local garden center. When I asked if he would like to take it home to carve it, he said, "fire." He just loves fire, and somehow had put it together that we would have a lit candle in there.

After Owen got rested up with a good nap, we "open, open, open(ed)" the pumpkin, dug the seeds out (Owen wanted to give these to the birds), and carved it. Owen enjoyed poking the pumpkin carving tools inside the pumpkin and trying to call birds to come eat the seeds.
After dinner, he and Daddy put a candle inside and lit it. Owen requested "candle, noder" (another candle) this morning.
Owen donned his bones costume again (I'd washed it after the party and lunch), and we went trick-or-treating. We didn't actually collect any candy as Owen doesn't eat crap, but we enjoyed walking in the evening and seeing some friends.

Our first stop was at Mr. Bob's down the hall; we had

seen him in the lobby of our building Thursday, and he bemoaned the fact that he wouldn't have any trick-or-treaters. I suggested we stop by for a visit so he could see Owen in his costume, but warned him Owen couldn't have any candy. He had a big red apple and a magic, fold-out pumpkin for Owen. We walked over and saw our friends Jill, Donna, Shawn, and Angie who were all handing out goodies. Shawn and Angie's cat had a wonderful pirate costume. I was impressed that the cat seemed to like having it on.