The flight back was long, and they sent one of our bags on a different plane from Detroit to Philadelphia. Fortunately, we got it the next evening. Unfortunately, a bottle of olive oil broke in one of our bags. Do you know how to rescue a load of laundry SOAKED in olive oil from the dumpster? Dawn. It's great stuff. I washed the clothes about 10 or 12 times with 1/8 cup of Dawn, then rinsed until there were no bubbles, and there is not a spot on them. Yay!
Owen woke up early the first morning we were back, but traveling west always seems to be easier on the jet lag.
We have been to two dentists since we returned. Back in April, we saw a local, holistic family dentist who was great, agreed with me on almost all points, and said he couldn't treat Owen because of his age. He didn't charge me for the visit and referred me to a local pediatric dentist with the warning that she was not so natural-minded. We saw her right after we returned, and were alarmed with her manner and her treatment plan - two extractions, two caps, and four crowns under general anesthesia. Fortunately, Owen had a great time getting a loot bag and playing with the assistant.
We got an appointment with a family dentist near Philadelphia. He treats little kids and is on an email list I read. They got Owen in quickly and were knowledgeable about a variety of treatment options to help keep heal Owen's teeth and keep them as strong as possible. They seem to recognize fluoride for the drug that it is, and we have decided to use small amounts of topical fluoride. Dr. Hollander also did ozone treatments on Owen's problem teeth to help get the bad bacteria in check. Then he used temporary fillings on four teeth to help keep food from those areas while we try to remineralize them. He encouraged our use of xylitol for also helping with the bacterial balance. He sent us on our way with a better loot bag and directions to a mall and a local park. I finally feel like we have found someone competent and able to treat Owen with gentle healing methods rather than aggressive extractions and the like.
Friday, Owen and I enjoyed a trip to Long's Park the next day. We got to see the animals at the petting farm - llama, goats, a chicken, and burrows. Owen ate some mulberries off the ground; we thought they weren't mulberries at first! We took some sand toys to play in the volleyball area, and he ran around the wooden fort too.
Sunday, we all went to too Gifford Pinchot State Park. They have a really fun swimming area with lots of trees and grass and sunny spots as well as a sandy area for playing and bathrooms. We took a hike around nap time so that Owen could get some rest then played a bit more in the water before heading back toward home.
Owen had mentioned that he needed a haircut that morning, so we stopped by Target and picked up some clippers (as well as an inflatable fish). Owen now has a nice cool buzz cut for the summer; I think he's the most adorable little red neck I know! After a day in the sun and fresh air and a cold bath (he's been wanting these lately) with the fish, he was ready for a good sleep.