Thursday, June 10, 2010

Who Are You? And What Have Have You Done With My Son?

Owen has NEVER been a sleeper. His sleep has definitely matured lately, but he is still good to go on nine hours of sleep although most sources I've seen suggest that most children his age need 10-12 hours daily.
I recently posted that he will now go to sleep in the car for an afternoon nap. We generally don't encourage an afternoon nap these days as it usually means he won't be able to go to sleep until 10 or 11 pm.
Yesterday afternoon, we escaped the apartment and the rain by shopping at two Goodwills. After that, we had some time to kill before Abram was done with class and could be picked up, so we milled around at Target and picked up a few things we needed.
On the way to the register, Owen propped his head on the cart handle. I asked, "Are you feeling sleepy?"
"No, mama, I'm just thinking."
He thought himself to sleep by the time we were ready to go out the door, but protested "No, I'm not tired!" with his eyes still closed as I picked him up to run out into the rain.
He slept as I put him in the car at 4:30 pm.
He slept as we drove through town.
He slept as we picked up Abram at his office.
He woke briefly as we passed an old lady to always wants Owen to talk to her on our way into the building
and grouched with his eye closed until I shushed him back to sleep and put him on the couch.
He slept while Abram prepared dinner
until Daddy tried to wake him to eat.
He grouched with mostly closed eyes for about 10 minutes until I shushed him back to sleep on the couch.
He slept through dinner time.
He slept while we cleaned up the dinner things.
He slept while we watched an episode of MacGyver.
I picked him up and took him to the potty and put him in bed at bed time (8:30).
He slept while we stayed up a bit longer.
He slept until 1:30 am when he woke up to ask for a banana. "I'm sorry, baby, we don't have any bananas."
"I want cheesecake."
"I'm sorry, we don't have any cheesecake."
(Poor baby - he hadn't eaten since lunch time.)
He went back to sleep.
He slept until Abram's alarm went off at 6:30 am this morning.
He slept for 14 hours.
Owen has never slept for 14 hours. Ever.
He woke up chipper and ready to fly out of the bedroom. (This morning, he is a dragon.)
He's not shown any other signs of being ill, but I was a bit worried when he slept that long. What's up with this?