When I was pregnant with Owen, I planned to leave work at 38 weeks. When that time came, I kept extending my stay because I didn't want to go home and sit and wait for a baby who might be quite some time in coming. On my due date (40 weeks), I led a tour of home schooled students at James Madison's Montpelier through the grounds and the landmark forest. Yup, I led a hike on Owen's due date! One mama asked me when I was due, and I was proud to say, "Today!" So too, I had a busy due date day while gestating this little one. Here's my did list:
- Make sure you have updated photos of your impressively large belly. Who knows how much bigger you'll get, but you want it documented.

- Play with kid #1 being sure to get down on the floor and do what he wants to do and to enjoy him all by himself.

- Do the laundry. You don't want it piled up when the big day arrives - possibly next week, but who knows.
- Go to the grocery store - twice - since you neglected to get an important ingredient the first time.
- Send husband on a third trip (for big jugs of water that you couldn't get by yourself).
- Go to regular your yoga class and do a glorious hour of stretching and squatting. Did the teacher plan this just for you???
- Prepare items for evening pot luck. Let kid #1 lick the spoon from the cookies.
- Attend evening pot luck.
- Watch 1 1/2 episodes of Season 1 of Angel.
- Enjoy being pregnant just a little while longer and look forward to meeting your baby very soon. It can't be all that far off now.