Owen received a set of Childcraft books from Murmur a couple of years ago. I really enjoyed some of these books as a child, and Owen has gotten the Childcraft love of late too. He loves to pour over the projects in
Make And Do. Before we moved, it seemed like he was wanting to make every. single. project. in the book. I suggested he take some sticky notes and mark pages with things he liked. I thought I'd buy myself some time that way ;o).

Recently, Owen reminded me that it was time to work on some of those projects he'd planned to do.

We made a cardboard box airplane (which was well-used before I thought about a picture), a pair of paper owls (see here on our new art wire),

a tissue paper and straw kite which he tried

and tried

and tried to fly outdoors

but had no luck on a still, late-summer day. Indoor air from a fan didn't work much better so we're waiting for a dry breezy day - patience.

Owen still has lots of his own projects too: painting a thrifted picture frame with some yard sale paints,

lots and lots of Lego creations,

a family of flower people made from hibiscus,

and oh so many other things each day - cutting, gluing, taping, sewing, drawing. . .