Yes, we're still here. We haven't disappeared. I just haven't really felt very outgoing or in the mood to post. Here's the news:
We're still here, and I still hate this apartment - but not quite so intensely as I did in early January.
I have a new camera I purchased with some Christmas money (thank you!).
We still don't know what's up for next year. There is at least on possibility but nothing for sure - yet.
Owen has been enjoying some home made rice and tapioca flour play dough we made.

We have had two snows this year, and another storm's a brewin'.

As I write it is starting to snow and is supposed to accumulate to 8-12". That's a lot of snow. Tomorrow there is supposed to be an additional 2-4".
The second snow was earlier this week, and was just enough for a few runs down the back hill in the sled. Owen even went a couple of times on his own. By the way, a plastic sled also makes a great snow plow if you need one:

We used a whole bag of toilet paper in January. Yes, a whole bag. Owen decided to unroll a whole roll one day while having a poop, so I stuffed it in a bag and put the bag on the TP holder. I wasn't going to waste a whole perfectly good non-roll of TP!

Owen outgrew his car seat. His new one will see him to 65lbs in a harnss then 100 lbs in a booster. Let's see him break those limits!
He calls it his spaceship seat. It is rather sleek looking.

He has also discovered a new use for underwear

and still loves to wear tutus at Tot Spot.

Sunday we went to Long's Park and froze our hineys off. We also saw lots of ducks and geese

as well as this heron who scowled at me but stay still for a close up.

We have been trying to get outside for a decent walk every day. That's a feat when it's rarely above freezing lately, and as you all know, I'm not a snowbird. Yesterday we had a nice walk at another arboretum - possibly Lancaster County's first best arboretum - and saw another heron that seemed to be guarding a nest down on a little stream. What a cold time to be sitting on a nest!
I'm tired of all this snow as well. At least Martin doesn't get cabin fever yet.
Ooolala, I see you also mastered tie-dye. As for the snow, now you can relate to those winter stories in Little House in the Big Woods! Except the bears aren't trying to steal your pig. Carolyn :=)
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