Thursday, October 28, 2010


I've been nesting.
I canned/froze 45 quarts of tomatoes over 2 weekends in September. That may sound like a lot, and it while it was a ton of work, that's less than a quart a week for the year.

I've also been "feeding the freezer" for the last month or so. I try to make double batches of things for dinner and freeze the extra. Now, my freezer is FULL of part of a beef, whole baking chickens, stock, and ready to thaw and eat meals for when I am too busy sitting on my bum nursing to cook dinner.
I have completed most of my Christmas shopping and making.
Yesterday, Owen and I did potato stamping (with a turnip that wasn't getting any love in the fridge :o)) to make lots of bags for quick and easy Christmas wrapping. This was a good rainy day project!

I finished a couple of baby quilts recently - one for a Christmas present for another new baby

and one very similar one for our new baby.

The second one has the back that I made back in June.

My current project is a sweater for Owen. It's knit from the bottom up, and I'm on the yoke, so I'm making good progress toward finishing it before Christmas - so long as I complete it before the baby arrives. I'm thinking a month is plenty of time to finish that sweater!

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