This is our first paper-free Christmas "card." We are still living in Lancaster, PA where we have made some wonderful friends and are thankful to be able to avail ourselves of wonderful local foods of all kinds. We could, however, deal with being closer to family and with a warmer climate. We made yet another temporary move over the summer to an apartment with outside access and friendly neighbors. Owen has been able to enjoy the outdoors a bit more, and it is much easier to get groceries and kids inside than in our old apartment building.
Abram is in his third and final year as a visiting assistant professor in the Department of Classics at Franklin and Marshall College. His article on Vergil's adaptations of Homer and Euripides has been published in Classical Quarterly, and he is currently applying for fall 2011 positions.
Melinda has almost completed the process for accreditation for La Leche League leadership and is looking forward to serving soon. She is also still working with the Birth Circle and the Tot Spot indoor playground cooperative as well as learning to be the mother of two.
Owen turned three in April and enjoys swimming, being outdoors, movies, and crafts. He learned to swim this summer in our apartment pool and can now swim the width of the lap pool at the gym without assistance and likes to swim down from the surface to the bottom of the pool. He is intense and very busy.
Caedmon arrived on November 13. His unassisted birth was a wonderful surprise. He is a very calm and easy going baby. He is starting to smile these days and is growing fast.
We hope your holidays are warm and wonderful and that 2011 is a great year for you and your family.
With much love,
Abram, Melinda, Owen, and Caedmon

Caedmon is SOOO cute and healthy! I love the pictures of him and Owen. I thought of you all yesterday as we shelled a bunch of walnuts. We boiled them for 4 minutes and dried them in the oven and they taste so delicious with all the bitterness and phytates removed. It reminded me of your walnuts in Lancaster last summer and I wanted to wish you a Happy New Year!!
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