Just a little note to let you all know that we are in our new (very old) home and getting settled. We now have almost no boxes and are connected to the internet. We are all trying to stay cool on these hot days while still mowing a giant yard, starting a garden, and getting the yard and house in order. The boys, at least, get to wear a lot less around the house than our old apartment:
Caedmon was so tired and hungry/thirsty when we got in from the yard yesterday, I didn't get him diapered before a quick nap.

Owen, my little
statue of Augustus - no longer a cherub - who was preparing to rekey the locks for us.

I hope to be filling you in very soon on more of the details of our new home and activities!
In addition to lovely boys...nice floors!
I am amazed how much they look like Abram!
Where exactly are you? Close enough we might be able to see you sometime, I hope. I miss you guys everytime I go through Sewanee.
The nude and nearly nude photos remind Kelly of Abram? Maybe I was in lab when Abram was visiting the suite in his skivies. I missed all the fun!
Ha! I suspect there were lots of students having much more fun than we were in lab.
We are in Murfreesboro. I was planning to attend a LLL leader development thing in Atlanta this weekend and try to get a visit with you while we were down, but sanity won out on that one. We are just starting to get into a normal routine, and I'm glad we stayed around here - got a late summer garden stared and met some folks at the park. You are both welcomed any time!
We should meet in Chattanooga sometime and do the fountain in the park! I'm glad that you are so near again, and we will definitely take you up on a visit sometime. You are always welcome here too!
Science majors have no idea of the classics department hijinks! :)
Chattanooga sounds like fun!
There was that time that I got mooned in the chemistry department just before p-chem lab. It was definitely the most horrifying thing I ever experienced in Woods Lab.
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