A while back I pulled an idea out of last year's Better Homes and Gardens October issue - starched cheesecloth ghosts.

Being the cheap - I mean frugal - mama that I am I was sure we could do this thing with items we had on hand. I rounded up liquid starch, balloons and other roundish stuff, cups to hold said roundish stuff, lined cookie trays to hold the drying project, a bowl for the starch, fishing line, black felt scraps, glue, and gauze -

- sterile gauze with little strips that show up on x-ray film if they get left inside you during surgery and they have to track them down.

Funny enough, I think you could probably do this whole project with stuff you found at a hospital - if you were bored at a hospital, ya know. In fact, the gauze, cups and tray liners were courtesy of Anne's hospital surplus collection.
After pulling the little -x-ray visible strings off the gauze, we dipped four layers of gauze into the starch, squeezed most of it out, and draped them artfully over the roundish things. (I of course could not get a shot of the starching.)
I did, however, get a picture of what Owen did with some of the other materials.

It took them about a day to dry.

Then we added black felt eyes and some almost invisible fishing line hangers so these little guys could spook our house for the month of October.

This morning he headed out early, and we sent a few little spooks home with Granddaddy to haunt him and Anne.
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