I've had this idea filed away for, well, four years. Thanks to my friend, Jessie for the inspiration. We have lots of Christmas ornaments. Some of them were just too old/chipped/wonky to keep, but lots of them have sentimental meaning to us and I was really excited to find a way to display some of the surplus and in some cases hide some of the imperfections of thirty-odd years of use.
We used tons of ornaments, a grapevine wreath from Christmases past, and loads of hot glue. Owen got the hot glue love, Caedmon napped and then rocked out to some Christmas music on my back, and nobody got burned!
So, what Christmas crafting have you been up to or planned? Anything that's been on your list for YEARS?
Yea! I am about to bust out the hot glue to fix mine up a little too!
I love this idea! Too bad I purged some of our imperfect/wonky ornaments last year - damn my efficiency! Although, I have been trying to keep some things around for future crafting ideas. I can't seem to remember what Christmas ideas I have been putting off, but I think we may make some tree-shaped ornaments with pasta "decorations" glued on with glitter glue.
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