Why, hello, what a pleasant surprise to see you here.
You reply, "Likewise."
So why are the neighbors gonna luuuuuuuv us?
Two reasons really:
1. We have 19 rapidly growing chickens in our playroom. Two boys plus 19 chickens - fun, fun, fun. You wonder why I haven't blogged in two months. Well, wonder no more ;o).

Don't you think our neighbors will love to see our new yard art installation? and a chicken tractor full of rainbow layers making its way across the yard? One day this June, those layers are gonna be layin' eggs, and our yard art installation will have been replaced with a veggie garden. The yard art is only temporary - just to (hopefully) sterilize the ground before we start a garden there. Eh, I figure the neighbors will deal.
Gratuitous picture of Owen with his fishin' pole out for casting practice: