Sunday, June 17, 2012

Raising and Processing Meat Chickens

In April, we got 25 chickens to raise for meat.  We bought Cornish Cross (also called Cornish Rocks) which are bred for quick growth, that is, for meat production.  They were ready for processing by the end of May.  We invited Pa Billy and Grandma Sharon over for a practice run with one chicken before we did more.  That morning, we separated one from the rest and left it in the shade with water but no food.  Abram constructed a cone from some of the left-over roofing metal, and we hung the chicken upside down in it.  We found that the opening was a bit small (and adjusted it for future use).  After we cut it's head off, we let it drain for several minutes.  Chickens really do move after they are dead.  
 Then we dunked it in water (about 160 F) until the feathers were easily plucked.  It took Billy, Abram, and me over 5 minutes to pluck it.  The boys
 and Grandma kept a bit of a distance.
 Abram cut around the cloaca and then around the neck, and we gutted the bird being careful not to pop the gall bladder.
 Owen was particularly impressed with the liver and talked about how good it would be.  I cut up the chicken into pieces - legs, thighs, wings, and boneless breasts which we put right on the grill.  (The back and remaining bones and breast meat was saved for making stock and chicken salad.)  The chicken was good (although not the best I have ever had).  The liver went into pate which Owen loved.

Abram and I processed 22 more the following weekend, and they are now in our freezer.  It was not an easy thing to do, but I am glad that we have taken this step.  We are omnivores, and I think we eat meat of necessity.  I am glad to have taken a little of the responsibility of raising and slaughtering the animals on which we depend for food.  I am glad that our boys were able to be near while we took on one of the most basic human responsibilities.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Pool Party At Anne and Granddaddy's

On Memorial Day weekend, The Gilliland cousins (and their parents) met at Anne, Granddaddy, and Micah's house.  I got almost no pictures except these of some of the kids in the pool.  Owen is now one of the big kids along with Kailey, A.J., and Izzy.
 Caedmon enjoyed one of the privileges of being a little guy still.  He got to go skinny dipping.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Tennessee Renaissance Festival

Way back at the beginning of May, we went to The Tennessee Renaissance Festival with the Ring family.  We had missed a year of Ren Faire as the PA Renaissance Faire is held in the fall, and we moved midsummer after the one here was over.  It was my first time at this one, 
 but at least one act was familiar.
 Here the kids (minus a sleeping Caedmon) are riding a camel!
 A very sleepy knight has lost his armor.
 Electra fed a butterfly. . .
 . . . very cool - while we cooled off with lemonade.
 We visited the castle-home of the Festival host - also very cool.
 Will and Electra participated in a skit
 while Carter did this
 and Caedmon did this.
We are already thinking of costume ideas for next year!

Friday, June 8, 2012

The Planting of the Placentas

As some of you may know, I have been carting Owen's placenta around the country for more than five years now.  It has moved (on ice) four times - from Virginia to Tennessee, Tennessee to Pennsylvania, across town in Lancaster, and finally back to Tennessee.  You see, I really wanted to plant Owen's placenta under a tree for him, and we never really had anywhere to do it.  
Owen and Abram picked out a Stayman Winesap apple tree for me for Mother's Day, and I believe it was Owen who suggested we finally plant his placenta. 
We inspected it a bit before 
 placing it in the hole that Abram dug.
 Then we put our tree in on top.

 Caedmon's placenta took a very different path.  My midwife, Karen encapsulated it for me.  I had asked that she save a small piece for me to plant with a tree for Caedmon, but alas, she forgot.  I am very glad that I was able to benefit from taking the encapsulated placenta pills for a couple of weeks after Caedmon's birth and am saving the rest in case I have need of them as I go into menopause.
When we found fruit trees on sale a Lowe's last week, we purchased a peach tree and brought it home to plant with Caedmon's placenta.  I counted out 13 of them - for his birthday
 and placed them in a hole about 20 feet from Owen's tree.
 And now, both our boys' placentas are planted safely under trees side by side in our yard.  May we never move - 'cause I just might have to dig up those trees and take them with me.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Late Spring Harvest

Owen with our harvest yesterday - 3 yellow squash and 5 eggs!  I see lots of frittatas in our future - mmmmm.