Saturday, August 4, 2012

Old Stone Fort

Cicada shell
 Puddle play

 More wading (and a bear walk)

Owen picked up this toad, and the poor thing jumped out of his hands. Then "fluid came out of it's body," Owen said.  I said, "That was pee."  As we hiked along, Caedmon was nursing, would pop off, and kept telling his funny story:  "Froggy!"  Smile.  "Peepee!"  Giggle, giggle, smile.  He did it until he fell asleep part of the way through our mile around the park.  Ah, bathroom humor comes early!

1 comment:

Shannon said...

It looks like you guys had so much fun! Especially the atlatls, that's so awesome! I'm sorry the toad didn't really want to be examined. We were at my parents this weekend and my small cousin (about Owen's age) got so excited because she found a snail. She picked it up and was carrying it all over the place and proudly took it to my mom. Of course, enthrallment with nature aside, the snails are the bane of my mother's existence (re the garden) so she tried to convince my cousin to put it down far far away.