One of Owen's favorite non-toys is the jar of buttons. He likes to get it down and run his fingers through them, scoop them, sort them, scatter them, pick them up again, and talk about them. Tuesday when we had them out, he picked up a flag-shaped button, sorted through the pile to find its match, and said, "two flags." He looked for a "nuder," but there wasn't one. Lately he has enjoyed using some disposable cups to sort them and "dump" them. This seems to be an activity that he never gets tired of; I am always the one to end the button session when we have to move on to make dinner or head away on an outing. It's a very mommy-intensive activity as he still has a proclivity to putting things in his mouth if the notion strikes him.
yet another wonderful idea for a x-mas present for your brother in law. Just sayin'
Well Steve-o, I'm not allowed to give presents anymore. I'll have to sneek it under the tree. It'll say, "from Santa" on it, and you'll have to promise me you won't put them in your mouth like Owen does.
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