We started our first batch of wine in January. It's a Chianti.
Last weekend, Tracy visited and we started another batch of beer - an Oktoberfest.
While wine takes about 6 weeks to get to the bottling stage, beer is much quicker. They were both ready to be bottled this weekend.

Friday night we bottled 47 bottles of beer. They should be ready (for Abram - I'm still not doing wheat) to drink in about a month.

Saturday night, we bottled 31 bottles of wine which should be ready in a month or two. I really liked this - even more than the beer. Seeing all the lovely colors of bottles (saved by us and from Freecycle) and shapes of bottles filled and corked gave me the same fuzzy feeling that seeing a shelf full of home-canned garden colors does.

I also liked using the corker. It's a lot easier than using the beer capper.
Our next adventure in this arena will be to do an all grain (no extract) kit of beer.
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