Owen has been interested in the potty for a while. A long time ago, we were catching poops first thing in the morning, but he got rather resistant to being on the potty about the time he started walking. It sat mostly unused for quite a while, and after Christmas, he had a renewed interest in it.
And then not so much.
I've just been following his lead.
Owen really enjoys potty books from the library, so we check out at least one every week. This morning, he wanted to sit "on the potty". . . "in the livin'room" (actually he meant the spare bedroom) when we took off his night time diaper. So we took the potty into the spare room, and he sat on the throne and directed me to make things out of the Duplos. Nothing was right; I just couldn't make anything right to save myself. Finally, I decided I wasn't going to take it anymore and told Owen he could keep sitting on the potty but mama needed to have a break. I went to get breakfast started, and here came Owen, dragging me back to the bedroom saying, "poop, poop, poop!" I smiled and hoped for a potty poop while bracing myself to clean the carpet. To Owen's delight and mine too, the poop was all in the little potty "just like Joshua's" (from a library book on potty learning). He sat back down just for this picture. (We also took a picture of the poop, but for Steve's benefit, I won't post it.)
1 comment:
Anna is well and truly potty trained, but to this day she still gets incredibly grumpy when she needs to poo. I can't seem to do anything right and have to leave her alone until she starts concentrating on what it is that's actually bothering her. Then, she comes rushing up and informs me "I need to use the toilet." To which I invariably respond, "well, that's a relief" because I know she will be able to play nicely afterwards. Something about getting her thoughts in order makes her grumpy, and I was always like that before writing a humanities essay... not to say those essays were like poo... but given the age difference, maybe similar. Well done, Owen!
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