
Yesterday, I noticed a couple of small, red spots on his tummy, just above his diaper. Before nap time, he had a very loose poopy diaper. Neither of these seemed particularly odd or alarming. But by bath time (picture above), the spots were much bigger and they were all over his trunk - tummy and armpits and back - and he had smaller ones on his arms and legs.

This morning they seem to have gotten bigger but not more numerous (second picture). He doesn't feel hot at all, so I haven't taken his temperature. He has had a bit of a sniffy nose and cough for a couple of weeks, but it seems like he's always got that. This last round I attributed to trying to reintroduce ghee (clarified butter) back into his diet. Abram also pointed out that he had a bit of a rash around his mouth this weekend. At the time, I thought it was from constantly wiping his nose. Now, I'm not so sure.???
So, I'm wondering if it's
rubella (German measles). Mom suggested possibly
measles, but Owen hasn't had a fever and seems to be feeling just fine.
I don't want to be alarmist, and I don't think that there is much we need to do for Owen. But, I also feel an obligation to let others folks we have recently been in contact with know too. So, what to do??? what to do???
We canceled Owen's dental appointment this morning, and I need to call the doctor to see if he thinks we should bring Owen in for diagnosis.
I'll keep you posted.
Update 3/25/09: They didn't have any other appointments before Owen's already scheduled one for this afternoon. The doctor seemed to think it was possibly an allergic reaction to something or some virus - nothing to worry over, so I think we'll leave it at that. The rash has faded to a very pale pink in most spots - almost unnoticeable.
do they itch?
Nope, he's says they don't hurt or itch. He isn't scratching or complaining at all.???
We're going to the dr anyway tomorrow so he's gonna take a look-see. I'll let you know what he has to say.
I just got back from a conference, and am catching up on the news. It's odd that the spots don't itch! Hives would itch and be more raised... and a virus would have a fever. You were hiking, and it's really common to get poison ivy/oak in the spring by touching the vines before the leave come out, but that would definitely itch. ?? Love,
I don't know if they can test for rubella? Apparently, it is common for it to occur with any symptoms at all, so you may be right to guess that. CJB
Did you guys get the little fella figured out?
His spots are all but gone - ust the faintest of marks where I know they were. He is feelnig fine except for the cabin fever. I feel fine taking him out with a runny nose or the like, but other folks wouldn't appreciate red spots even without a fever.
I hear your little fella has 2 teeth and is scooting about! I can't wait to see him again. You should start a blog with Carter's antics - and Electra's - and pictures ;-).
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