Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Hiding the Beef Heart

Did you say, "Eeeeewww!"? Many of us are not used to eating "parts," and as creatures of habit, we may tend to think of things we don't eat as gross. Abram, Owen, and I like the taste of beef, lamb, and chicken livers, and we try to eat them often because they are jamb-packed with good stuff. We also eat the heart. The heart is a muscle, of course, and tastes similar to other muscle meats, but I'm not particularly fond of the flavor or the texture. (It's probably all in my head :-).) It is has a different nutrient profile than beef "meat." In particular, it is much higher in vitamins B-12 and riboflavin. I used to grind it myself, but recently, I had an epiphany. I can ask the folks we get meat from to grind it for me for no extra charge - duh.
We just got another 1/4 beef from the grass-fed stand at the central market. This is a really economical way to purchase meat. We got 1 heart, 41 pounds of ground beef, 10 steaks (variety), and 5 roasts (liver and bones to come later as they forgot to bring them) - all organically raised and grass-fed - for under $400! This fits into about 1/2 of a large upright deep freezer.
So, back to the heart: Since I'm still not overly fond of eating heart alone, I parcel it out into ~ 2" balls, freeze them on a baking sheet, store them in a zip bag, and add one to a pound of ground beef when I cook it. It's really easy to pull out a package of ground beef and one ball of ground heart to thaw in the morning to dinner, and at this ratio, it is completely indistinguisable.

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