Sunday, January 18, 2009

Up To Speed #3 Plus a Recipe

Here's Owen in the adorable little gnome hat Aunt Lauren made him for Christmas; Roman and Keiko look on. Looking through the Christmas pictures from the Ring family, they are mostly blurry. I think people really were moving that fast. I also think we need to learn a bit more about our new (used) camera. Owen really loves his little hat. Today, we were almost ready to walk out the door to head to he natural history museum when I ran back to the bathroom to get a band-aid. Owen followed and looked through the drawer for a comb, took off his hat, very carefully ran the comb through his hair a few times, and placed the hat right back on his head.

Tonight I made a new recipe, coconut flounder, and we were almost through it before I decided y'all might like it too. So, I snapped a couple of pictures before it was gone. We also had a watermelon radish cut up with some olive oil and balsamic vinegar, salt and pepper. I just discovered these this week. They are fresh and local and organic. That's saying a lot when the temps are less than hospitable to life. They are about the size and shape of a turnip, and look rather like a green-tinged turnip. Inside, they are pink - like a watermelon. They taste like a very mild radish. We all love them.

Coconut Flounder

2 lbs. flounder fillets (or similar)
1 egg, beaten
1/2 cup coconut, dried and shredded (unsweetened)
1/2 bunch cilantro
1T. coconut flour (wheat flour would probably do just as well)
1/2 t. salt
1/4 t. pepper
coconut oil for frying

Cut fish into ~3" squares. Blend coconut, cilantro, flour, salt, and pepper in blender or food processor. Dip fish into egg then coat with dry coconut mixture. Pan fry in hot coconut oil. Serve hot.
(Coconut oil is a great oil for cooking because it is stable at higher temperatures than olive oil. I think lard would work just as well.)

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