We also finally got our pumpkins. He'd been asking for over a month, and I'd been holding him off so we'd have ones that were still good for Halloween.
He and Abram carved them Wednesday night while I was out.

I think they did a great job!

Yes, this photo was taken on the toilet.

In Lancaster, "they" decide when to celebrate Halloween. Last year, "they" decreed that Halloween should be celebrated on Friday, October 30. This year, "they" sent down a edict that we could all celebrate on Friday, October 29. I guess almost 50% of trick-or-treat nights end up on Friday - maybe more???.
So, we celebrated Halloween a couple of nights early by going a visitin' during trick-or-treat time. Owen's knight costume had already had a test run a couple of weeks ago, but this time he did wear the chainmail shirt under his tabard. He's been loving the decorations that the neighbors have:

Again this year, we did not collect treats. Two neighbors actually came to our door to try to give treats, and one left them even after we declined. Owen thinks we can share them with someone who eats candy. He enjoyed walking around the neighborhood close to the college and visiting some friends to see their costumes and show off his own.