Here you go, Jessie! I promise these are super-duper easy. Making the tutorial was harder than making the sushi.
I used felted wool sweater scraps. All of these were thrifted for less than $2 each. You will also need matching thread a needle, and sharp scissors.
Here are the pieces you will need for a salmon and avocado roll (adjust filling colors as needed) - nori, rice, salmon, avocado.

I folded my rice and fillings so that they would be a bit thicker.
Place fillings on rice . . .

. . . and roll rice around them once. Overlap white edges about 1/4" and cut off excess rice.

Tack edge of rice in place. (This stitching will not show, so go ahead and use black thread.) Trim filling ends if they stick out of rice too far.

Stitch nori to rice roll near seam.

Wrap nori around rice roll. Overlap nori about 1/4" and trim excess. Sew second end of nori to the roll. Trim bottom/top of nori to make it look even and nice.

Sew directly through the roll a few times to make sure all the layers stay together. Tie off ends, and enjoy!

Here are the pieces you will need for tuna nigiri - rice, tuna, nori (change topping as desired).

Fold rice to make it a bit thicker. (I folded it into thirds.)

Tack nori strip to center bottom of rice, and sew through all layers a few times.

Wrap nori strip around rice and tuna. Sew closed, and trim excess nori. Enjoy!
You make it look so easy! We got our sushi today and we both loved it. Jackson has already tasted them and he approves. I am about to send you some *treats* from the garden to say thank you!
I'm glad Jackson approves, and I await your treats with excitement!
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