I often find patterns on the internet, but one of my favorite crochet books ever is Our Best Thread Crochet (Leisure Arts, 1996). I have been pleased with all of the projects I have done from it including a few baby blankets I have made recently.

While there are a few patterns I will probably never attempt like the table cloth (which is just too big and not really my style) and a few frumpy things like fake bird cages (which are just strange to me), I have really gotten a lot of use out of this book. I find that sometimes I buy a book for one pattern or idea and never pick it up again after I finish that project, but this is one I look back at when I need inspiration and am rarely disappointed. If you are looking for a good general thread crochet reference, I highly recommend this one although I know I'm speaking to a rather narrow audience here.
I look forward to giving out the items I have been working on and will share pictures as soon as they have been sent out.
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