Shhhhhh. . . it's nap time. Today, I started a load of laundry, got a beef bone (from a local grass-fed cow and purchased at the Central Market) in a pot to start more stock, got some ground beef and ground beef heart out of the freezer to thaw for supper, and chopped veggies for the soups for lunch and dinner. And. . . I still had some time, so I started some sauerkraut. I've been making sauerkraut for about 4 years now, and love the crunchy, salty, sour taste of real, live sauerkraut - not the kind that has been killed by high temperature processing.
I have been using the recipe from Sally Fallon's Nourishing Traditions cookbook, but for this batch I am using the recipe from Sandor Ellix Katz's Wild Fermentation. So far, it seems much less labor-intensive. I sliced two small/medium, organic cabbages on a mandolin slicer; this is not only a quick way of cutting the cabbage; I also like the long, thin shreds it makes. As I shredded, I packed the cabbage into a 1-gallon jar tamping it with a wooden pestle and alternating with layers of sea salt (about 4 T, total). I weighed the cabbage down with a wine bottle filled with water and covered the whole thing with a towel. Now, I'll just wait. The salt is supposed to pull enough cabbage juice out to cover the cabbage; if not, I'll add a bit of water to cover it tomorrow. We should be able to try a bit in a week or so, but it gets better with time.
Ah, nap time seems to be drawing to a close.
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