Friday, September 30, 2011

A Quick Trip To Scotland

While the boys and I were tie-dying and taking a trip to see Anne and Granddaddy, Abram took a quick trip to Scotland (which I have failed to share until now). Abram had submitted an abstract for a paper at a new Diodorus Siculus conference at the University of Glasgow
way back last fall. We weren't positive that he would be allowed (by his school) to attend.
His paper was well-recieved, and he was able to enjoy a couple of days of talks at the conference as well as a half day on his own before he returned. This old church is now a pub

where you can enjoy a pint, a pie, and a play at lunch time. He visited the Glasgow Botanic Gardens near the University
as well as the Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum where he got me this nursing Isis photo.

St. Mungo (yes, like the wizard hospital, folks!) is the patron saint of Glasgow is buried in the cathedral bearing his name. Abram viewed the ongoing restoration work
before jumping back on a plane to come home to us and enjoy a Labor Day Monday relaxing before returning to the grind at the high school.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

A Little Tie-Dying

With a couple of upcoming birthdays, I felt some tie-dying was in order, and since there's just no sense in dying a couple of things, I did more.
First we did some shirts for cousins Carter and Electra. Happy birthday to Carter who is turning 3 soon!
I also collected all of Owen's tighty whiteys and Caedmon's stained white onesies and added a bit of color.

Owen had his heart set on camouflage undies when we got the next size up a few months ago. Alas they didn't have it in his size. So he's been after me to dye it ever since. Now we have some b'day gifts and lots of underwear and onsies with the stains over-dyed. Yay.