Lancaster designated trick-or-treat time as 6-8 last night - October 30. I'm not sure why Halloween needed to be celebrated on a day other than the 31st, but Owen had fun anyway!
He enjoyed dressing up like a pirate,

and visiting some neighbors down the hall

before we headed out for a walk around the neighborhood to visit a few friends.

He walked a long way - about 1/2 a mile - before letting us carry him a bit.

We tried not to collect candy, but we did get a tad, so we swapped it for some GF brownies I made.

Today we went out to the Amish farms to get eggs and milk, and we picked up some pumpkins. Owen enjoyed helping carve it

and took a picture of it when we finished.
Is he as fascinated by the candles as he was last year?
Not quite. He keeps wanting to light a new one in there, but we are waiting until it gets dark :o).
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