Friday, August 12, 2011

Smiley Boy

Caedmon - normally our happy, smiley boy who grins from ear to ear whenever your eyes meet his

and brings a bit of sunshine to you

was feeling oh so very, very miserable this week. He's been sporting those two top teeth for over a month now. This week, three more popped through, and a fourth is close behind. He was fussy, and we had several sleepless nights. Runny nose and fever - why when they're teething? We even skipped Grandma Sharon's Wednesday Family Dinner (and missed tacos!).

Fortunately, he is feeling much, much better and is up to his old tricks like pulling the magnetic farm off the fridge
and using the dollhouse as a piece of gym equipment.


Tracy said...

Teeth are so irritating sometimes. I'm glad he is feeling better. That is a lovely ladder/dollhouse.

Holly said...

I love this smile! Raffi climbed in the dollhouse the other day, and proceeded to get stuck...