Saturday, December 20, 2008


We are going "home" tomorrow. After breakfast, we'll load up the car, get some gas and head to Ben and Tracy's Christmas party and then to the airport. We have been talking with Owen about whom we will see, and he has a whole list he tells us: Ma, Anne, Grandma, Pa, Granddaddy, Keiko, Roman, Alison (this seems to mean both Allen and Alison???), Micah, Kailey, Roman, Steve. I'm impressed he remembers all those names!
So, what are we packing? Each of us obviously has different priorities:

Owen said, "Dump!" and opened up his pants drawer and tried to unload it into the suitcase. He also got into picking out some books to take along - Hairy MacLary's Bone, My First Christmas Board Book, and The Night Before Christmas.

I am packing a cooler of food - 4 gallons of stock reduced to 4 pints, sauerkraut, sausage, coconut cream, lard, ghee, soup, and some other things it's too late to remember.

Right this minute, Abram is going through his D&D stuff to figure out what he can fit in his backpack along with his computer.

So, there you have it. You can tell what our priorities are. We are also taking along enough complete outfits for each person that we won't have to do laundry every night, and we will be cloth diapering Owen throughout the trip (except nights when we always do 'sposies.) Mostly, we just like to make the Homeland Security folks work for their pay and give them good stories to tell at family gatherings about the weird stuff people travel with.

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