Monday, December 15, 2008

Train Ride

Yesterday we took a ride on the Strasburg Railroad 1915 steam train. It was a fun trip. Owen enjoyed sitting in the seats, walking up and down the aisle, visiting with the other children in our car, seeing "Santa" (with whom he is fascinated lately - he is everywhere after all - I guess he's a toddler celebrity ;-)), getting a coin bank from the jolly elf himself, and looking into the coal stove to see the "fire." We also enjoyed hearing some carolers and musicians pass through our car during the trip.
This evening Owen told one of his stories. He's been telling these stories a lot lately, and although he is starting to speak in small sentences, his stories are generally a series of single words. Tonight's story was about our train trip yesterday:
"Train. . . loud. . . bank. . . Santa. . . sank you (thank you). . . fire. . . hot. . . noder (another). . . person. . . off." Lots of head nodding accompanied the story to affirm the truth of the events.
Do you get the picture? We went for a train ride. The train was loud. He received a bank from Santa and said "sank you" (after Santa was long gone). There was a hot fire, and another hot fire - a coal stove at each end of the car. There were other people on the train. Then we got off.

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