Monday, May 31, 2010

Contraband Veggies

Our lease explicitly states that we may not grow "vegetable crops" on our balcony. I guess they are afraid that we might do something green and decent. Maybe they are afraid we'll be like "those people" who grow vegetables although I must confess I'm not sure who "those people" might be - the Amish, immigrants who speak in strange tongues, hippies???
At any rate, this year we are again growing a variety of herbs - lavender, cilantro, spearmint, apple mint, lemon verbena, oregano, English thyme, French thyme, chives, catnip, and parsley - as well as some lettuce mixes that we planted in some boxes I got for free off of Craigslist

a sweet banana pepper
and a grape tomato in some hanging planters that Allen and Karie gave us for Christmas.

We get precious little light on the balcony so we'll have to see how it goes. All the plants lean to the light side. Right now the lettuce mixes need to be thinned, and Owen likes helping do that and eating the little sprouts.


Lauren said...

Way to stick it to the man!!!

Possum said...

Yeh, I sure showed them ;-).