We spent all day Saturday with Daddy! We all went to Owen's second swimming lesson. Thank goodness, the pool is pretty close since Owen repeated, "'wim, 'wim, 'wim," all the way there; he really loves swimming.
Afterwards, we came home, showered off, and had breakfast. Owen loves eggs and sausage. We used the last of our eggs, and Abram's milk was getting low, so we headed out to the farm to get some more. Owen fell asleep just a few minutes after we got into the car. Swimming really wears him out.
The weather is lovely and cool, and it was perfect for yard sales. There were yard sales all along our way. I pointed out a fusball table at one, and Abram jumped on it. We turned around to take a closer look, and we are now the owners of a fusball table with a mini air hockey table underneath. It was quite the bargain at $20. Luckily it came with balls and pucks so we could give it a go as soon as we got home and Abram put it together. Owen was thrilled with both!
Later we drove out and picked up some free drapes from a FreeCylcler and visited the Ephrata Cloister (a eighteenth century Cult-Monastery - move over David Koresh!). Owen liked running over the grounds but wasn't really interested in not touching all the new-made-to-look -old items on the tour. He was tired enough to get in a rare second nap on the way home.
1 comment:
Ben and I are putting the fusball table on our long list of 'Things to do in Lancaster' for our next visit.
- Tracy
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