Sunday, November 29, 2009

Last Minute Trip to TN

At the last minute, we decided it would just be too sad to stay here and eat our 12 pound turkey alone so we decided to drive to Tennessee for Thanksgiving. Abram didn't have any Tuesday classes, so after he picked up our turkey from the Central Market on Tuesday morning, we all headed out of town (including the turkey).

We were very glad to see Grandma Sharon and Pa Billy, Lauren, Steve, Electra, Carter, Will, Alison, Roman, Keiko, Ma, Jesse, Rossitsa, Rosa, Kristiyana, Kalina, and Iliyah and play some games. Poor little Carter wasn't feeling well and had to go early. Owen enjoyed playing with the other Ring family cousins who were there
and got a second dose of fun and excitement on Friday.
Tuesday Owen had a something on his gum, and fearing an abscess, we called around to see if anyone would see him before the holiday. Dr. Peter Shelton met us at his office (with his wife and their 2 year old grandson, Owen!) Tuesday night around 8 to check what appeared to be a perfectly healthy gum. (I had looked at it three times, once after brushing his teeth, and prodded it with my finger. I'm sure it wasn't just a bit of gunk.) He suggested it might have been a clogged salivary gland that eventually popped and gave us his home phone to call in case anything else came up over the holiday. We really appreciated his kindness.
It made us even more homesick for Tennessee! When we called the dentists in Lancaster, they all had 6 week waits but urged us to see someone (else) that day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay! I'm so glad you made the trip to TN. Holidays with family are so important, and the memories last forever (much longer than presents). I love to see kids all together, making funny kid jokes and doing "gross" things. love, Carolyn