Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Birthday, Valentine!

This morning, Owen brought Abram's birthday presents to him before he was all the way awake. He had to excuse himself to put in his contacts before he opened them. Owen made him a pencil cup and a treasure box, and we gave him an embosser to mark his books with his name. Owen was most keen for him to open a couple of bars of dark chocolate - "because I can eat it too."
We celebrated Abram's birthday by going to the Science Factory in the afternoon. Of course I neglected to take along the camera.
We enjoyed the light exhibit where you could make different colored shadows and the minimal surface bubble exhibit where they had various 3-d shapes that you dipped in bubble solution. In some of them (such as the cube) the solution formed bubbles around the outside planes while in others (such as the tetrahedron) it formed planes that met in the middle of the object rather than enclosing a bubble. I must read up more on that, and we must go back some time and take pictures.

Abram asked for taco salad for dinner, and we had GF brownies with raspberry sauce for dessert.


Jessie said...

Happy Birthday Abram! Sounds like a great day and a great dinner!

Lauren said...

Happy Birthday Abram!!! We love you guys!