Sunday, November 11, 2012

Lean In A Little

This is what happens when you ask Owen and Caedmon to lean in close to each other.
Then this happens.
And then they're gone.
If Owen hadn't given himself a fancy yellow chin with face paint (better than the all-red face later in the week for sure), this might have been the Christmas photo for the grandparents.  As it is, they're pretty cute if I do say so myself.


Shannon said...

They are really cute! I love the scarves and hats. Didn't Owen get cold feet?

Possum said...

Ha! I think my children's feet never get cold. All winter long, I sing the refrain, "You should put on socks or slippers." It wasn't all that cold, but the boys are still enjoying the novelty of winter wear. Owen took off his shoes while we were out in the yard and likely never felt the chill. I, on the other hand, haven't taken off my wool socks except for bathing since September.

Anonymous said...

you really need to learn some photoshopping skills from your brother. the grandparents are using Caedmon from one of the photos of this blog to make a Christmas ornament. owen likeness will come from another picture that doesn't have makeup.

thanks for the enjoyment your blog gives

anne and granddaddy