Monday, November 12, 2012


Gardening (our poor, poor broccoli)
Gardening and fine motor skills (cutting)
(oh my, the cutting)
(and cutting)
(and cutting)
Physics (home-made parachute man)
(thank goddess for a tall set of stairs)
(It works!  Man is it hard to get a picture of a parachute dude in the hallway.)
Math (counting and patterns)
Snack (pomegranates are in season - yay!)
Physics (tower building from a moving rocker board)
Reading (Richard Scary)
Physics (What can these children not do on or with a rocker board?)
Art (drawing)
P.E. (tree climbing - wool hat . . . check, shoes and socks. . . nope)
(and fort building)
Biology (leaves)
Math (From the kitchen I hear, "Fourteen, seventeen, one, two, three, seven, eleven, fourteen."  I look in to find that Caedmon who is really into counting lately has found the Rook cards.  I. Can't. Wait.  Beverly, they are going to play Rook!)

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