Sunday, November 9, 2008

Boys' Afternoon

Although Owen was a bit sick last night and threw up this morning, he seemed to otherwise feel pretty well. Abram had been planning on spending some daddy-baby time with him this afternoon, so they didn't cancel their plans. (No pictures - 'cause I was at home ALONE doing laundry, preparing dinner, and other fun stuff!)
Owen proudly announced, "office!" as he rolled out the door on the bike. I think he thinks "office" is any exciting place away from home although he does identify Abram's office when we drive up or go in.???
They biked downtown to the library which apparently closed on Sundays. I think that's pretty odd. Owen loves the library ("liber") because not only can he pick out new books to read but he can also play in the carpeted circle with puzzles and puppets.
Instead, they went to the North Museum, just a few blocks from here. When they returned home, Owen reported he had seen a "nake" (snake), an "owl," a "dog" (actually a stuffed wolf), and a "cow" (this he apparently did not actually see today), "pa" (Abram tells me this means they saw a quail like Pa Billy raises), and a turtle ("tuhrtuhr"). They have a reptile room with live reptiles and a collection of preserved specimens too. He and Daddy also went by Daddy's office where Owen found the "type writer." It's certainly odd what he picks up.
It was great for them to have some time on their own and for me to have some time to myself too.

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