Saturday, November 29, 2008

Cardboard Box

Owen's imagination has really taken off lately. His new favorite toy is the top half of a cardboard banana box that we acquired when we went to the meat shop to get 50 "pounds" of beef stock bones and chicken backs for stock. (Owen calls all meat "pounds" because they weight it and ask us if that is okay when we buy it.)
This wonderful box has been a bath tub and shower - the upholstery attachment for the vacuum cleaner being the shower head and a drink coaster being the soap. I have even had the pleasure of bathing in this tub.
It has been a tunnel for Daddy's and Owen's trains:

It has been a car:
Owen likes to hand us "money" from the car and say "bye-bye." He seems to be paying for parking.

This morning it was a horse too. Riding a horse requires Mama to hum "Dum, dum," otherwise known as the William Tell Overture.


Anonymous said...

I have finally figured out what I want for Christmas, a brand new card board box, straigh up awesomeness!!!

El Steve-O

Possum said...

I'll send Lauren-Santa a memo asap;-)