Here's my Sleeping Handsome out for a nap on the couch. These days he normally wakes up around 7 or 7:30 and is cranky and ready for a nap sometime between 10:30 and 12. I nurse him to sleep, and he usually gets anywhere from 1 1/2 to 3 hours napping alone in the bed. Sometimes he wakes up part of the way through a nap and needs to be nursed back to sleep. Then he might end up on the couch, the spare bed, or on my lap at the computer for the rest of his sleep. His normal bed time is 8, but occasionally, he stays up as late as 9. He is still waking quite a bit at night and we are looking for a solution to this problem.
awwwwwwwww.... there are no other words just aawwwwwww
Anna didn't start sleeping through the night until she started eating big meals and BF twice a day. Also, she wakes a lot if I give her a food she is sensitive to, like tomatoes.
wow he looks like abe there, how cute
Carolyn, when did that magic time come?
Thanks, Steve.
3 was the magic sleep-through-the-night age for us. Developmentally, too, it seems like children want to be a lot more like Mom and Dad at 3- so they copy eating and sleeping.
Just curious if you could try skipping the pre-bedtime mint for a week? Mints are extremely high in salicylates, which Anna is sensitive too (like tomatoes). CB
Carolyn, the "mints" don't actually have any mint in them. They are Epic fruit "mints" with xylitol, natural flavors (they say this is all from fruit ???), and calcium sterate - not exactly great ingredients but . . . He gets one, 0.5 gram "mint" after each tooth brushing. While they are technically not used to bribe him, it eases the displeasure of the brushing event and lets the whole process end on a positive note.
So, what do you think of those ingredients? And if you think they are really super-duper inadvisable, what might make a better substitute? Plain old xylitol powder maybe?
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