Today, Owen and I started rooting some rubber plants,
Ficus elastica. We got a very leggy, three-trunked plant from some fellow
FreeCylclers a while back, and I had consulted with Murmur about what to do with it over the holidays. She said we should cut it up and root it to make healthier, 1-stalked plants; she suggested the use of some rooting hormone to help get them going. Since the weather was pretty nice this morning, we spent a little time out on the porch cutting off the bottoms of some water jugs and filling them with potting soil. Owen really like this, but he wasn't keen to put them all on a big tray to bring inside - not sure what was up with that! Inside, he dug in the dirt while I cut the plant into pieces with a sharp knife. We dipped each cutting into some water then into the rooting hormone powder and planted them in the make shift pots. (There were lots of dire warnings on the rooting hormone, so Owen didn't touch it, and we cleaned up carefully afterwards.) We gave them a good watering. Soon, we should have 7 little rubber plants. I think I might need to FreeCycle some of them!
You make your own rooting hormone by soaking spring willow tree branches in water for 24 or 48 hours. Definitely non-toxic. Look for a weeping willow around your place and you will be amazed how easy it is to root your own cuttings.
oops, that was from me :-) Carolyn
I was thinking it was you. Who else? Thanks!
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