Friday, March 13, 2009

Birth Circle - Update

Tuesday night we had our first birth circle meeting. We had four mamas and made plans for our upcoming meetings. We decided to use a guided discussion format (a la LLL - you know the style where someone comes up with questions that stimulate discussion on a chosen topic). While this is not what I'm used to, I appreciate the insight the more local mamas had on what they thought other folks would respond well to. I did come up with a bit of one of these for the meeting - Mad Libs: Hindsight is 20/20. Here's a few:
If I had only known how important ________ would be, I'd . . .
If I had only known how much my baby would ______, I'd. . .
If I had only known how little my baby would ______, I'd. . .
Okay, so not exactly like Mad Libs, but you get the idea.

We are going to rotate topics yearly so things don't get too mundane. We also brainstormed ways to get more ladies there, and are excited about the possibilty of teaming up with some other local groups to get screenings of some birth videos. In the more distant future, we'd like to set up some panel discussions with midwives, OBs, and doulas. We will definitely need to have a better attendant base to justify asking a whole group of professionals to come out for free to talk to us. We also discussed about the fractionated sense of the birth community here and are hopeful that we can help people make connections. I'm am stoked.

1 comment:

Possum said...

Alison wrote me to ask what a birth circle was. It's a group of women who get together to talk about birth, share their experiences, lend their support, and help others learn about birth. Here is the link to our Yahoo group with a blurb about us too:
