Sunday, March 8, 2009

Birth Circle

The first meeting of the Birth Circle - Lancaster County is set for Tuesday night from 7-9 PM at James Street Mennonite Church. I have a couple of ladies who have said they will be there for sure, and I hope there will be more. I'm hoping for about 10 or 12 ladies. Fewer than that would mean there wasn't much interest and I'd feel like keeping us going would be an uphill battle. More than that, and we won't have enough space. I also think more than 15 or so people would make a conversation difficult.
So what are we going to do?
I am planning to meet a lot of similarly-minded mamas in this area and hope that we can get some organizational stuff done. We'll need to decide on leadership and how we would like meetings to be run and stuff like that. But I also hope that this first meeting will have at least some birth talk! So, how do I get that started? I have yet to decide on how to get a bunch of strangers to talk about birth. I am thinking of having a list of questions to pose as jumping off points for discussions. Now I just have to come up with those questions. If you have any suggestions, do send them my way.
I'll let you all know how the first meeting goes and update you on the questions I come up with if I think of anything good.

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