Sunday, April 19, 2009

Birth Circle - April

Last Tuesday we had our second Birth Circle Lancaster County meeting. Seven ladies came out, and we had a great discussion on "Pregnancy, Birth, and Breastfeeding In the Media." We had several doulas and other local birth professionals including a prenatal yoga instructor, one returning mom, and one new mom. We had two adorable babies too!
We hope to continue to grow and provide a place for women to share their experiences and to learn about local resources. Our next meeting, in May, will be on "Preparing For the Big Day (Or Night): Who, What, When, Where, How, and Why," and June's meeting will focus on "Connecting the Dots: Finding Local Resources."

And, speaking of birth, Ellie Ring arrived Tuesday morning. We still haven't seen any pictures or heard any stats, but we are sure she is beautiful and healthy from the reports. Congratulations, Caleb and Kirsten!


Kelly Elmore said...

I wish there was something like this here. Livy's birth is the single most traumatic thing that has ever happened to me, and 6 years later, I don't feel like I have fully processed it. I would love to have a group of women who would be open to talking about it and who would understand the things I wanted and why they mattered. I also miss the talk about birth and breastfeeding and babywearing. Livy is past all those things (well, I still wear her in a backpack for about 2 minutes at a time if she gets tired on a hike!), but I still care about them and don't have many outlets.


Possum said...

A cursory look for a birth circle in the metro area of Atlanta was surprisingly fruitless. ICAN meets regularly, and there seems to be a group for expecting parents but nothing quite like the BCs I've known. So, I guess you'll just have to start one. I agree that birth matters, and there need to be places for women to process their experiences. We don't have red tents for these things anymore, but we still have a need for them.
BTW, what backpack do you still use for Livy - the Ergo?

Kelly Elmore said...

Umm, from reading your blog, this is a bit late, but we use the Ergo mostly, sometimes a Rebozo in a rucksack carry. She wants to get up and down all the time, so the Ergo works better for us. It is too much for me to be wrapping and rewrapping her in the Rebozo. And this child needs to get down to see every interesting lizard that crosses our path. :)