Monday, April 6, 2009

(No) Lions, and (No) Tigers, and Bears, Oh My!

Saturday we headed to the Smithsonian National Zoo with Tracy.
Before lunch, we saw a sloth bear, pandas, and lots of birds including flamingos, storks, a peacock, (wild) herons, toucans, and . . .
After lunch Owen napped a bit on my back, and we meandered through the mammals looking at the gorillas, an orangutan eating a giant popsicle, Mexican wolves, beaver, seals, sea lions, and prairie dogs. When Owen woke up, the sun was so bright he wouldn't take his face out of the wrap, so we headed into an indoor Amazon exhibit where we saw up close (but did not touch) a monkey.
We saw efalents - one large bull who was scratching his rear on a door for all the folks and a nearly-grown baby with a mother who was exploring the locks on her pen with her trunk. We also saw a baby hippo who was quite active. We visited the kids farm area to see the billy goats gruff,
cows, and alpacas; and Owen got some free play on a large pizza - sort of an odd play area concept for a zoo, but the kids seemed to like stacking giant mushrooms and crawling through a large olive quite a bit.
We went back to see the gorillas and orangutan with Owen and got a glimpse of the baby gorilla (well, her tiny hands and arms reaching up from her mother's lap was all we could really see from our angle). Owen was sure she was nursing :o). By the time we went by the tigers' and lions' enclosures, they were already inside so we missed them, but on the way out we saw zebras and a standoff between a cheetah and keeper.
Apparently she wasn't hungry enough to come inside, so she'd look at him as he showed her the food and knocked on the door of her enclosure to signal her to come. She rolled, and stretched, and feigned a bit of interest, but we finally left with that poor guy still trying to convince that cheetah to go indoors for the night. I hope he didn't have Saturday evening plans because she looked pretty ready to wait it out.
After a yummy dinner of venison roast and a bath, we left Tracy's to pick up Abram at the airport.

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