Sunday, April 19, 2009

Tea Party

Owen has been enjoying his tea set from Grandma. Because it's "breakable" (one of Owen's favorite words) we keep it up on the shelf with the crystal, so he has to ask for one piece at a time. So far, he has been careful with it.
Saturday morning, Owen and Daddy took one of their outings while I did a bit of sewing (see forthcoming post for more details). While they were out, they used the money Grandma sent to buy a few special items for a tea party. Owen picked out smoked Coho salmon, water melon (which he insists on calling cantaloupe), and mango. After nap time, we had the grand event.
In attendance were Owen, Abram, and me.

Along with Owen's special purchases, we served tepid ginger tea with honey. Owen seemed to enjoy himself and ate 1/2 a small watermelon and most of the 4 oz of salmon by himself.

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